When the thin layer of tissue at the back of the eye moves away from its normal position, it causes retinal detachment. The retina is the name of this tissue layer. Detachment of the retina is an emergency. The retinal cells and the blood vessel layer that supplies the eye with oxygen and nutrition are separated by retinal detachment. The chance of irreversible vision loss in the affected eye increases with the length of time when retinal detachment is left untreated. Reduced vision, the rapid emergence of black floating forms and flashes of light in your vision, and loss of side vision are all signs of retinal detachment. You can preserve your vision by making immediate contact with an ophthalmologist, or eye doctor. Detaching the retina doesn't hurt. Before a retinal detachment occurs or worsens, symptoms are frequently present. You could observe signs like: the abrupt emergence of small dots or wavy lines that appear to float past your vision. We refer to these as floaters.

For more information call us at +919810302298

  • Retinal Detachment Specialist in Safdarjung Enclave
  • Retinal Detachment Specialist in South Delhi
  • Retinal Detachment Specialist in Green Park
  • Retinal Detachment Specialist in Lajpat Nagar